D'Vorah MeijerGut -erev- ShabbesGut -erev- Shabbes! Dear Mispuche, To all of you, Gut Shabbes! Or Good Sabbath! May HaShem surround us all with HIS love and we pray G-d will comfort all the avelim (mourners);GUT SHABBES BELOVEDS, ♦🐝D'Vorah Pnina🐝♦ (דבורה) Meijer
Gut -erev- Shabbes! Dear Mispuche, To all of you, Gut Shabbes! Or Good Sabbath! May HaShem surround us all with HIS love and we pray G-d will comfort all the avelim (mourners);GUT SHABBES BELOVEDS, ♦🐝D'Vorah Pnina🐝♦ (דבורה) Meijer