Change does not come suddenly through an open gate, but grows little by little, through the cracks of the various times of crisis you pass through. ~~ Mamme D'Vorah
One of my divine duties is to build bridges between Jews and Christians.
This week on LinkedIn I realized how many there are who don't even know themselves as they really are. Let alone to know and be able to understand the people in the "other camp".
I pray for all of us that during this Shabbes The L-rd will turn our minds around.
So before we can get a real association, it's so important to know who YOU are.
And second, but certainly not least, to love yourself as you really are!
So I pray for all of us that during this Shabbes The L-rd will turn our minds around.
"Before we can and "MAY" judge the other at all, we ask You Abba, to get to know and understand ourselves. And to be able to love the real "I" without frills, masks and lofty ideas. For only then are we able to love the other as You love us. Real and unconditional."
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Don't judge your fellow human being until you have reached that person's place."
Vayikra 19:34 Orthodox Jewish Bible
34 But the ger that dwelleth with you shall be unto you as one born among you, and thou shalt love him as thyself; for ye were gerim in Eretz Mitzrayim: I am Hashem Eloheichem.
Shabbat Shalom uMevorach A Peaceful and Blessed Sabbath
Baruch Shem Kivod LeOlam Va'ed Blessed be His Glorious Majesty Forever and Ever!
Achotichem Your Sister.
Yeshayah 58:13-14
Orthodox Jewish Bible
13 If thou turn away thy regel on account of Shabbos, from doing thy chefetz on My Yom Kodesh; and call Shabbos an Oneg (Delight), the Kedosh Hashem (Holy Day of Hashem), "honored"; and if thou shalt honor it, not doing thine darkhim nor finding thine own chefetz, nor speaking [worldly] words:
14 Then shalt thou delight in Hashem; and I will cause thee to ride upon the high places of eretz, and feed thee with the nachalat Ya’akov Avicha; for the mouth of Hashem hath spoken.
Blessed Weekend. In HIS love connected, ~~ Mamme D'Vorah.